International Business
You are an entrepreneur / businessman from abroad? Welcome to Krefeld!
If you have any questions regarding your business-related stay in Krefeld, please do not hesitate to contact our special departments:
For general questions surrounding business in Krefeld as a foreigner please contact Krefeld Business.
VISA- and residential permit-related question can be addressed to our Migration and Integration office.
You want to learn more about Krefeld as business location?
Development, growth, formation - Krefeld offers a wide range of industrial spaces and commercial properties.
Enterprises which opt for the business location Krefeld will find themselves in good company alongside international corporations and highly-productive mid-sized enterprises. In Krefeld, a city with a population of 233,000 residents, everybody benefits from its close proximity to the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area and the state capital Düsseldorf.
Connecting industrial history with building culture and quality of life, Krefeld is a pleasant and family-friendly city on the river Rhine. Along with prime business premis-es, Krefeld scores high with an attractive range of retailers, numerous public parks and diverse cultural and leisure activities.
Krefeld surely offers a lot for your business, too! Come and join the successfull business location on the river Rhine.
For even more information head to Krefeld Business.
Von-der-Leyen-Platz 1
47798 Krefeld